Monday, February 28, 2011

Old Shows: Volume 1

I recently came across a stash of old fliers posted in a photobucket account from the area I started going to shows in. So last night I flipped through some of them and remembered a few. Not nearly as many as I thought I would, but there were a couple.

This Bigwig/Ensign show was one of the biggest let downs I had ever attended. I didn't give a shit about Madcap, The Commercials or Count The Stars. I was just getting to know the guys in Boywunder and wanted to catch their set so I got their early. I used to go to shows alone all the time. No one else in my town was into hardcore so I discovered it on my own and enjoyed going by myself. Well the minute I got there the place was fucking packed with a bunch of people I didn't know. I paid my way in and saw immediately that Ensign had cancelled. I had seen Bigwig in the past and liked their live show, but the real reason I came was Ensign. Too bad for me.

I stood around for awhile until it was time for Boywunder. They played their usual set that I would eventually see what seems like a thousand times and I went to my car to have a smoke. As you can see the date was February 8th so it was cold. I went to turn my car on to get some heat and discovered my starter was dead. To make matters worse I had a pre-pay cell phone at the time and only had a single minute left to use. With that minute I sent a text message to a friend to get ahold of my parents. I have no idea how that worked, but at about 4 AM my step father found me on the side of the road with a tow truck arriving shortly after.

The whole trip was a waste, I paid $10 to watch Boywunder and have my car break down. I never went back into the show because I was busy having people try to jump my car and shit. I am as car stupid as it gets so I did a lot of opening the hood and staring. This also made me start seeking out more people to go to shows with which of course had its obvious benefits.

I was going to post a whole bunch of different fliers in one post but I think I'll just do one at a time. I've already come across a bunch more and will post them as I feel like it and tell stories just as boring as this one. Wait until I get to the Madball show that I didn't go to and went to Prom instead.

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